  >  Adventure   >  The Big Buddha in Hong Kong: Discover its’ Tranquility
big buddha


Where modernity meets tradition, lies a serene sanctuary that captivates the soul and inspires the spirit – The Big Buddha. Nestled atop Ngong Ping Plateau on Lantau Island, this iconic statue stands tall, inviting travelers from around the world to embark on a transformative journey of exploration and enlightenment.

The Grandeur of The Big Buddha

At a staggering height of 112 feet, The Big Buddha, also known as Tian Tan Buddha, is an awe-inspiring marvel of architectural prowess. Crafted from 202 bronze pieces, this magnificent statue exudes a sense of tranquility and wisdom. As you approach, the sheer size of the Buddha leaves you spellbound, inviting contemplation and reflection. Crouching below the seated Buddha are the six Devas with their arms outstretched in offerings of flowers, music, incense, lamp, fruit and ointment. These items represent the six perfections of generosity, morality, zeal, wisdom, meditation and patience. In Buddhism, all the above are necessary to enter into nirvana for spiritual enlightenment.

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The Spiritual Quest

For centuries, pilgrims and seekers of spiritual enlightenment have ventured to The Big Buddha, drawn by its mystical aura. The journey to reach the statue is as significant as the destination itself. Climbing the 268 steps leading to the platform where the Buddha sits, visitors (provided there are less tourists) find solace in the rhythmic echo of their footsteps, connecting with the very essence of the spiritual path.

Panoramic Beauty of Lantau Island

The path to The Big Buddha winds through lush forests and picturesque landscapes, offering breathtaking panoramic views of Lantau Island. The journey provides a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural richness, making it a photographer’s paradise. The serene surroundings create an atmosphere of unparalleled peace, setting the stage for a truly transformative experience.

Cultural Encounters

Adjacent to The Big Buddha, the Po Lin Monastery stands as a testament to Hong Kong’s rich Buddhist heritage. Visitors can explore the monastery, marvel at its intricate architecture, and participate in traditional Buddhist ceremonies. Engaging with the resident monks imparts a deep understanding of their way of life, fostering a sense of cultural appreciation and harmony.

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A Timeless Connection

Visiting The Big Buddha in Hong Kong is not merely a sightseeing adventure; it is a transformative odyssey that transcends time and space. It is a place where modern travelers connect with ancient wisdom, where the noise of the world fades away, and the soul finds solace. The Big Buddha stands as a silent guardian, reminding us of the profound connection between humanity and spirituality.

Do not forget to pack your camera- for hours were spent here just walking around taking pictures. As a novice photographer, if more time is what you need to spend at a location to ensure you get the right shots, I say go for it. You do not want to leave from a location because you didn’t spend enough time capturing the footage you feel is worthy. This has happened to me before and trust me, lesson learnt. As you make it a point of duty to capture your media, do put your camera down at some point to take everything in. Speaking of, please take a look at the Crimson21 YouTube video to Hong Kong:

Never forget to savor the moment everyone 😉 For in the shadow of this majestic statue, amidst the serenity of Lantau Island, travelers discover more than just a tourist attraction – they find a sanctuary for the soul, a place where the heart opens, and a deeper understanding of the world and oneself unfolds, if you seek a journey that goes beyond the ordinary, pack your bags and set forth on an adventure to The Big Buddha in Hong Kong – where tranquility meets grandeur, and the spirit finds its wings.

First Impressions article of my trip to HK here:


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